Fantasy Club

Join local teens at the Bixby for a weekly club to play popular fantasy games like Magic the Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons. 

Tai Chi Sun 73

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Bixby Hall

Sun Style Tai Chi can be very suitable for all levels of Tai Chi practitioners, and especially beneficial for seniors and beginners. Tai

Tai Chi: Fall Prevention for Seniors

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

The Tai Chi Fall Prevention class (part II) will be held in the Bixby’s basement Otter Creek Room, accessible by a walkway in


Bixby Memorial Free Library - Children's Room

Storytime moves to Fridays at the Bixby. Join us for stories, songs and fun!      

Craft of the Week- Hibernating Bear

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Children's Room

Each week, there is a new craft near the Children’s Room. The craft may be made at the library or taken home to

Tai Chi for Fall Prevention

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Bixby Hall

This is a practice session for people who know the Tai Chi for Fall Prevention form. We will go deeper into the form

Tai Chi: Fall Prevention for Seniors

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

The Tai Chi Fall Prevention class (part II) will be held in the Bixby’s basement Otter Creek Room, accessible by a walkway in

Tai Chi Yang 24

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Bixby Hall

The Yang 24 Form is the most popular Tai Chi form around the world right now. It is also known as the Simplified