Tai Chi: Fall Prevention for Seniors

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

The Tai Chi Fall Prevention class (part II) will be held in the Bixby’s basement Otter Creek Room, accessible by a walkway in


Bixby Memorial Free Library - Children's Room

Storytime moves to Fridays at the Bixby. Join us for stories, songs and fun!      

Craft of the Week- Hibernating Bear

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Children's Room

Each week, there is a new craft near the Children’s Room. The craft may be made at the library or taken home to

Tai Chi for Fall Prevention

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Bixby Hall

This is a practice session for people who know the Tai Chi for Fall Prevention form. We will go deeper into the form

Tai Chi: Fall Prevention for Seniors

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

The Tai Chi Fall Prevention class (part II) will be held in the Bixby’s basement Otter Creek Room, accessible by a walkway in

Tai Chi Yang 24

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Bixby Hall

The Yang 24 Form is the most popular Tai Chi form around the world right now. It is also known as the Simplified

Fantasy Club

Join local teens at the Bixby for a weekly club to play popular fantasy games like Magic the Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons. 

Bixby Book Club- Under the Whispering Door

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Community Room

Calling all readers! The Bixby Book Club meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6pm. We read a variety of books, spanning