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Friends of the Bixby Library Book & Plant Sale

September 25, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Used Book Sale & Plant Sale at Bixby Memorial Library, 258 Main St., Vergennes

9 AM to 12 Noon

Sale by donation.

Featuring Adult fiction, Biographies, History, Self-help, Cookbooks, Gardening and much more.  Children’s books from board books to young adult.  Children’s DVDs.  Adult CD Audiobooks and DVDs

Vermont-themed:  cookbooks, authored fiction and memoirs, travel, state and local history.

Fiction:  Adult fiction written after 2009,  classics accepted; Children’s DVDs accepted.  Especially appreciated—Vermont-themed-cookbooks, authored (ex. Alvarez, Bohjalian, Mayer,  (fiction & nonfiction), Vermont travel, humor, classics (Rowland Robinson)

Lower level of the library, accessed by the back parking lot for sales and donations.

For questions, please call Karlene,  (802) 877-6392

Thank you to these local businesses for providing plant donations: Aubuchons, First Seasons, Red Wagon, Horsfords


September 25, 2021
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Categories:

Purchase your tickets for the May 16th Bixby Secret Garden Gala Fundraiser here!