Free Lunch for Kids

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

For Toddlers – 17 year olds. Summer meals follow USDA guidelines. Lunch includes: 2 servings of fruit or vegetables, 1 serving of grain

Friend’s Book Sale

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

Browse and take home some additions to your home library for very discounted prices! Use back ADA entrance off the parking lot. Walkway

Bridge Club

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

The Bridge Club meets every Monday at 1:00pm in the library’s Otter Creek Room. Contact Irma Heeter at 802-877-3377 or by email for more info about this

Book Discussion Group – The Hate U Give

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Vermont Room

July title: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas “Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban

Michelle LaBombard Tea Art Display

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Community Room

I enjoy finding the beauty in everyday objects and rituals. one of those rituals for me is tea. I began making these decorative

Summer Story Hour

Bixby story hours are designed for preschool age children. We explore songs, stories, share in the fun and create art together. Families get

Free Lunch for Kids

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

For Toddlers – 17 year olds. Summer meals follow USDA guidelines. Lunch includes: 2 servings of fruit or vegetables, 1 serving of grain

Bixby In The Park

During the Vergennes Farmer’s Market  Mrs. Rachel, the Youth Services Librarian will be in City Park with a collection of books will be suitable for