Tai Chi Yang 24 Short Form
Bixby Memorial Free Library - Bixby HallTuesdays from 10:45 to 11:45 am, starting September 12- December 12, 2023 The Yang 24 Form is the most popular Tai Chi form
Tuesdays from 10:45 to 11:45 am, starting September 12- December 12, 2023 The Yang 24 Form is the most popular Tai Chi form
*This author visit is open to all. Didn't read the book yet?  Come and listen to the author anyway, see what other books
Tai Chi fall prevention class will be held in the Bixby's basement Otter Creek Room, accessible by a walkway in the back parking
Wednesdays 10:00 to 11:30, starting September 13-December 13, 2023. Upstairs in Bixby Hall. Sun Style Tai Chi can be very suitable for all
This is a practice session for people who know the Tai Chi for Fall Prevention form. We will go deeper into the form
Tai Chi fall prevention class will be held in the Bixby's basement Otter Creek Room, accessible by a walkway in the back parking
Tuesdays from 10:45 to 11:45 am, starting September 12- December 12, 2023 The Yang 24 Form is the most popular Tai Chi form
Wednesdays 10:00 to 11:30, starting September 13-December 13, 2023. Upstairs in Bixby Hall. Sun Style Tai Chi can be very suitable for all
Tai Chi fall prevention class will be held in the Bixby's basement Otter Creek Room, accessible by a walkway in the back parking
This is a practice session for people who know the Tai Chi for Fall Prevention form. We will go deeper into the form