PJ Story Hour

Begin your week at the Bixby Library sharing stories and snuggling up before bedtime. Wear your Pajamas. Bring a favorite stuffed animal and

The Writing Life: Fiction 2018

These workshops will be led by Kris Johannesson MFA. She is a frequent lecturer at UVM and she has taught for over twenty years

Children’s Story Hour

Bixby story hours are designed for preschool age children. We explore songs, stories, share in the fun and create art together. Families get

Muir’s Writing Group

Despite it’s intrepid leader moving on from his post, Muir’s Writing group still meets on alternate Thursdays. Prompt and discussion based writing workshop

Healthier Living Workshop: Diabetes

Free Diabetes Management Program begins Friday, October 19th at 9AM at Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes.  Diabetes can cause serious health problems like heart disease, blindness, and kidney failure. Our Diabetes Self-Management

Become a Fledgling Bird Watcher

Dead Creek Visitor Center 966 VT-17, Addison, VT, United States

Young birders are winging it to Dead Creek Wildlife Viewing Center.  Ages  6-10 yrs. Pre-registration is required.  Email Rachel, Youth Services Librarian at

Bridge Club

The Bridge Club meets every Monday at 1:00pm in the library’s Otter Creek Room. Contact Irma Heeter at 802-877-3377 or by email for more info about this

Writing Group

Meeting on alternate Thursdays. Prompt and discussion based writing workshop – come and be inspired. This group is led by an alternating member

The Writing Life: Fiction 2018

These workshops will be led by Kris Johannesson MFA. She is a frequent lecturer at UVM and she has taught for over twenty years

Purchase your tickets for the May 16th Bixby Secret Garden Gala Fundraiser here!