Writing Workshop

Regular, MFA style workshop for writers working on a project “of length.” The group has considered poetry collections, essay collections, play scripts, teleplays,

Friend’s Book Sale

Browse and take home some additions to your home library for very discounted prices! Use back ADA entrance off the parking lot. Walkway

Needlework Group

Enjoy needlework, coffee & conversation in the Community Room.  A small, but growing, group of friends gather to chat over handwork. Drink some

Mary Brevda Photography Exhibit

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Community Room

I have been exploring photography for the past 30 years. Traveling has always been an inspiration for my photography. I find that I

Bridge Club

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

The Bridge Club meets every Monday at 1:00pm in the library’s Otter Creek Room. Contact Irma Heeter at 802-877-3377 or by email for more info about this

Addison County Teen Writers Group

Completely led by group members and open to new members. Please contact Rachel Plant at rachel.plant@bixbylibrary.org if you have any questions.

Writing Workshop

Regular, MFA style workshop for writers working on a project “of length.” The group has considered poetry collections, essay collections, play scripts, teleplays,

Friend’s Blow Out Book Sale!

Visit the Bixby Book Sale on Vergennes Day (August 24th) and grab as many used books as you can! Browse and take home

Booked For Bikes Prize Drawing

Mrs. Rachel will draw winners for this year's Booked For Bikes Raffle. Thank you so much to the Vergennes Rotary for sponsoring a