Game Night at the Bixby

Bixby Memorial Free Library 258 Main St, Vergennes, VT

Join us for a fun evening of games on the third Tuesday of each month from 5-7 pm. Pick a board game from

Cook the Book – African Recipes

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Bixby Hall

Sign up to cook an item from our cook book and bring it to share and discuss at a potluck lunch. No recipes

Storytime at Vergennes Playgroup

Same Storytime, new location! Join us at the Vergennes Congregational Church during the Vergennes Playgroup for stories and a craft. This program is

Rokeby Virtual Winter Book Discussion

Join the Rokeby Museum, January, February, and March for FREE virtual discussions about three powerful books. All discussions will be held via ZOOM.

Storytime at Vergennes Playgroup

Same Storytime, new location! Join us at the Vergennes Congregational Church during the Vergennes Playgroup for stories and a craft. This program is

Young Writers Club

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Vermont Room

Like to write? Come join us in the Bixby’s Vermont Room with informal and fun writing activities. This program is recommended for elementary