Canceled – Tai Chi

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Community Room

Tai Chi is an “internal” martial art, a slow, graceful movement routine to help fend off the stresses of modern life, build agility

Canceled – Tax Help

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

Tax sessions have been canceled until further notice. Need help completing your taxes? Make an appointment to meet a specialist at the Bixby!

Canceled – Tai Chi

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Community Room

Tai Chi is an “internal” martial art, a slow, graceful movement routine to help fend off the stresses of modern life, build agility

Canceled – Tax Help

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

Tax sessions have been canceled until further notice. Need help completing your taxes? Make an appointment to meet a specialist at the Bixby!

Canceled – Kid’s Story Hour

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Children's Room

Bixby story hours are designed for preschool age children, though all are welcome. We explore songs, stories, share in the fun and create