Canceled – Tai Chi

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Community Room

Tai Chi is an “internal” martial art, a slow, graceful movement routine to help fend off the stresses of modern life, build agility

Canceled – Tax Help

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Otter Creek Room

Tax sessions have been canceled until further notice. Need help completing your taxes? Make an appointment to meet a specialist at the Bixby!

Canceled – Kid’s Story Hour

Bixby Memorial Free Library - Children's Room

Bixby story hours are designed for preschool age children, though all are welcome. We explore songs, stories, share in the fun and create

Video Chat with a Librarian

Do you need help accessing ebook/audiobook with your library card? Want to have someone show you how to get into the other digital

Remote Special Trustee Meeting

Special meeting of the Bixby’s Board of Trustees. Open to the public. Please contact Maddy Willwerth at if you have an agenda

Online “Any Book” Club

We have moved our book discussion group online! Our first meeting will be April 13th, 7pm. Join Zoom Meeting Use this link if

Video Chat with a Librarian

Do you need help accessing ebook/audiobook with your library card? Want to have someone show you how to get into the other digital